Remember What
Matters About The People Who Matter Most

With NetworkNerd, you can track every interaction throughout your job search and interview process!


Quickly discover, organize and develop  stronger, more intimate bonds.

Gentle Reminders

Life moves fast, and we know that juggling your relationships can be difficult. With NetworkNerd’s daily reminders, you can ensure that your social circle stays healthy!

Find With Ease

Can’t seem to remember that person you met at last week’s dinner party? Worry not! With NetworkNerd, you can search through your relationships for "everyone with kids," or "soccer moms," or "friends with a pickup truck."

Secure and Safe

We take security seriously. Data privacy is ensured through multi-tiered data encryption. And you can dowload your data for free anytime. Sit tight knowing that your closest relationships are safe with us!

How it works

We get it... relationships can be tough to manage.


Remembering Family and Friends

Can’t keep track of everything about everybody? We’ve got you covered. We keep the little details about your friends, family and the people you meet, all in one place, so they’re right there when you need them.


Developing Closer Bonds

The digital age makes it increasingly difficult to focus on building your relationships. With NetworkNerd, you can keep track of intimate details and receive regular reminders to cultivate your new and existing connections. We help you keep the people who matter closer than ever!


Staying Organized

Whether it’s that chef you met last week, or a long lost relative, personal networks can get cloudy. Now, you can navigate through your contacts and find niche commonalities within seconds! NetworkNerd works to keep your social circle organized.


Still not sure yet?

Stay connected with the ones who matter with NetworkNerd, today!

Download Now!